Monday, August 23, 2010

HELP! My due date is here and no baby!! My docotor even stripped my membranes 2 weeks ago. Any advice?

I am ready for this little guy to be here!!! Plus I am MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! My doctor will induce next week, but hopefully this little guy comes sooner!!!HELP! My due date is here and no baby!! My docotor even stripped my membranes 2 weeks ago. Any advice?
Be patient...God knows best!HELP! My due date is here and no baby!! My docotor even stripped my membranes 2 weeks ago. Any advice?
unfortunately all you can do is what the doctors have probably already told you...walking, sex, nipple stimulation. I was stripped twice and never went into labor. but my son was HUGE (9lbs 4 oz...i'm only 5'1) so they induced me just a day after my due date. good luck, though. i know how uncomfortable you must be.
he'll come when hes ready
My first was 10 days late. I was 0cm 0% effaced and that was with my membranes striped too. but once i was induced i delivered in less than 12 hours (start to finish) and i don't mean the i'm in aggony labor i mean the are real contractions that aren't 5 mins apart unlike my last that had me in ';labor'; for 2 weeks.
I know you're not going to believe me, but RELAX! Your baby will come when he is ready to come. Get some rest and lots of sleep because soon enough your son will be here and you'll wonder what sleep was and what you ever did before he came along! He'll be here sooner than you think, you won't be preggo forever, I PROMISE!

Good Luck!!
Go out for a long walk..
Well, from experience I was in the same situation and I went out dancing. Danced all night long had water to drink and the next day I was in the hospital having my daughter.

Good Luck
don't worry about it .. i know you are really ready for this baby to come out
relax baby comes when ready.....
Due dates are really just an estimate, and most are off by a week or more (doctors assume a 28 day cycle - some are more or less than that, also women are usually not exactly correct on the first day of their last missed period, etc). It's not like a bill payment, unfortunately. Of course you're miserable, everyone is at this stage, but it's nature's way of making sure you don't object when it comes time to go into labor (ha!).

Get some rest, drink lots of fluid, have sex if you're both into it, double check your hospital bag, buy another package of diapers, stock up on frozen meals for when you get home, write in your journal, watch some cute chic flicks - it'll be next week before you know it.

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