Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need a date for a dance this month any ideas I NEED ADVICE!?

i am 13 and the only guy i kissed is 2 years older tha n me but now he is in a different school. he is the only guy that i have ever went on a date with. sice this year he is not here i dont know how to get this really cute guy tp notice me cuz i want to go to the dance with him.every time i try to get his attention he just looks at me with his friends and then continues what he was doing .i need advice badly cuz this guy is to die for what should i do? help me quicklyI need a date for a dance this month any ideas I NEED ADVICE!?
Look pretty, and play hard to getI need a date for a dance this month any ideas I NEED ADVICE!?
OK. . . well all you need to do is go to the dance with your friends, if he really wants to go to the dance with you he'd ask you or you should ask him when theres nobody around.
Just ask him. Unless you look like a heffer, he'll probably say yes.
I don't think he likes you. Talk to the other guy maybe he'll take you. No guy is to die for (thats why women always go first, guys die for us). But talk to the other guy if you went out with him. The other guy if you liek him that bad ask him. And if he says no e like w/e. If he says yes try to hang out with him more but not alot you don't want him to think that you are annoying.
Calm down first! You can also go by yourself and dance with other guys instead of going exclusively. No worries life is short- You could always with your friends and have fun:) Trust me when I was your age I was the same way. hehe Be careful not to act desperate. That is NOT attractive I'm sure you are a pretty and smart girl so just have confidence in yourself. If you want ask him out go for it. But know you can always go alone and have fun too.

Good luck sista!
Let me tell you something my dear; no guy is worth dying for! I hope you remember that.

You are 13, and you shouldnt be worried about going on dates or kissing boys. What is the dance all about? Is it something you absolutely have to attend? At your age, if it's something you have to attend that needs a partner, I'd advice you to grab a cousin of yours and go. Never put yourself under unnecessary pressure. If it's just for fun, rather stay at home than have to stress about finding a partner. Please!!!
I think you need to cool it for a couple of years.
He may not be intrested in you. Find some1 that you like and likes you 2. Some1 that you can talk 2 easily.

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