Well Ella, I will tell you sweetheart that is going to be a very hard decision for you to have to make. First I can tell you from experience with my oldest granddaughter, that she has had two relationships that they were not Christians, but they promised her that they would go to church with her, and they did start out doing all this to please her but in the long run, they didn't stick to it and she ended up having to break up with them, and she was very broken for a long time. I am not saying that this guy u like may not change into being a Christian, but I am telling u to try real hard not to fall for him too hard, cause you might end up being real hurt. And in the end you will not be happy or satisfied with someone who is not a Christian. Wish you luck hon and God bless you and him.I need some dating advice from a christian...?
It depends how old you are. If you are at the age where marriage is on your mind, then I would watch out.
Marriage is really difficult when one person is very religious and the other is not. It is especially disastrous when children are involved.
But if you are young, and far away from thinking about marriage, it could be a really good learning experience. Maybe you will learn that you can still have G-d in your life even if your boyfriend isn't as religious as you. Or maybe you will realize that your religion is too important to date someone who doesn't believe the same things you do. Maybe it would be good to test the waters and learn from experience how you really feel about dating a non christian, so then if the dilemma arises again in the future (which it likely will) you will already know from experience how you feel about it.
You have a couple of options here, one is you stick to your original game plan and keep yourself ';evolve around God fully'; and move on. Or you do the right thing and be honest and up front with him. You tell him what you are all about and see if he wants to continue and look at becoming a good Christian. He may run, and that would be the end of that, or he could chose to look at Christianity and give it a go. If both of you like each other that much, then you owe it to yourselves to be honest to each other. If he is unwilling, what doe so that tell you? If he is willing then you made a good catch. Stay with God, he will always lead correctly!
May God Bless and hopefully both of you.
Attraction is not the basis for a relationship that is real. Dating is intended to lead to marriage, so the question is, could you marry this guy, the way he is, not in hopes that he'll change?? I've had a friend that I was totally in love with, it was mutual, but our callings didn't line up, so I knew he wasn't the one. Twitterpation and attraction can so easily get in the way and distract us from what matters. God is what matters.
If you want your life to revolve around God, ask Him what to do. At my church we don't do dating, we talk about undistracted devotion. We just focus on God, pursuing His call on our life and at the right time, He will bring the right person into our life. As you are seeking God and running hard after Him, there will be someone running along side you, in the same direction, at the same pace. That's the one.
For my own life, the only people I have ever had that ';attraction'; twitterpation connection thing with have been girls or psychos (neither of which is a viable option for a relationship). I quickly learned that attraction does not mean it's right. It generally just leads to heartbreak.
This is one only you can answer. My wife is a Catholic, and though I was baptized such I don't consider myself Catholic.
We talked about religion a LOT before I ever proposed. We knew how each other felt and knew not to trample each others beliefs. The key is not to try to convert each other, but to accept each others faith as is.
it helped that I believe in God even if I don't think any religion has it right, but it's a difficult road. There's lots of pitfalls in an interfaith couple and it will take a lot more patience and understanding from both of you to make it work.
If you think you can do this, you will be opening yourself to many truly good people that you could have a happy life with. Just because a person isn't Christian doesn't make them bad and just because a person is Christian doesn't make them good.
I think you should find another Christian to go out with. Sometimes when you are with a non-believer you realize that their way of thinking does not line up with the word of God and problems arise. Non-believers do not respect the LORD and sometimes try to persuade you to think differently like having sex with out being married is OK, or your missing out because you choose to follow Christ. I think it is a bad ideal.
As long as he fully respects your beleifs and supports you in expanding in your spirituality with God then I see no problem personally.
He might not be fully committed but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't nuture his loved ones need to grow in her faith.
Get to know him better perhaps he is that type.. perhaps not. Find out
My grandmother married a man like that. He supported her in her faith and his kids. It took years.. but he became christian himself and they would go to church together and pray together.
Amos 3:3
3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Once we have discerned unbelief or false doctrine or practice, what then? God's command at this point is very clear--separation. The following expressions are used in the N.T. to describe separation: ';Avoid'; (Ro. 16:17). ';Shun'; (2 Ti. 2:16). ';Turn away from'; (2 Ti. 3:5). ';Purge oneself from'; (2 Ti. 2:21). ';Come out from among'; (2 Co. 6:17; Re. 18:4). ';Have no fellowship or communion with'; (2 Co. 6:14). ';Receive them not into your house neither bid them Godspeed'; (2 Jn. 10). One does not need a Ph.D. to understand the meaning of these exhortations. God is telling His people to stay away from those who teach or practice false things!
Avoid yoking together in ministry, organization, etc. (2 Co. 6:14-18). This command does not allow a Christian to be in the same denomination, Christian organization, fellowship, or church with those who are committed to unbelief.
in my own personal experience it has never worked....even if they ';say'; their interested in God, the only thing that came out of it was ';me'; being led astray, off of my path, falling away from Him who gives unconditional Love, Truth and Promises, all of which is Not Good, it isn't worth the risk....you will meet the ';right'; man ';someday';, me...I am remaining single, I've tried it my way, all it did was waste prescious time and take me away from Him, I am trying it God's way, and so far it is working, although I do have times when I feel the need for companionship in a healthy loving/caring and nurturing realtionship (just the human in me lol), but always remember you are never alone for He is with you :-) hoping this is helpful...God Bless and Happy Sabbath
Well you need to pray to the father about this situation. Obviously if you are extremely devote to your religion it only make sense that you would want to marry someone who is also devote or at least of your faith. Maybe this guy will end up coming to Christ through you.
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? ~ 2 Corinthians 6:14
If you disobey such a commandment three things will happen.
1 - You will injury the guy's ability to come to know Christ. Because he will see ';Oh... this is what a Christian does, they compromise';.
2- You will also put your own faith at risk, if you compromise now, what happens if you were to get married? And have children?
3 - You would be following the wrong life path, for you would be sinning by disobeying God's commandment.
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? ~ Amos 3:3
If you love him, tell him about Jesus! A good free video series to lead him to Christ!
Begins with why we can trust the Bible. Hope that helps, God bless! Remember God's way is always best!
You should avoid making such ';connections'; in the first place if you're REALLY resolved not to date outside your religion.
Only two options- go ahead and finish what you started and face the consequences, OR back away before the ';problem'; gets worse.
Your call.
I'd talk to him about it. Ask him why he doesn't believe, see what he says. Tell him your reservations. Maybe he'll be open-minded. If he's willing to support and respect your beliefs, then I'd say to try it.
You probably won't marry the guy. And if the guy tries to make you think different or try and make you believe that God is fake you should end the relationship there.
You should have fun, but stay faithful to God.
We must follow the Bible no matter the cost. 2nd Corinthians instructs us NOT to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. You just have to decide if you will follow the Bible... even when it's not easy. It's there for your own good. It will protect you from heartache.
As someone who married an un-believer and is now divorced, don't do it. Save yourself (and possible children) some serious heartbreak. If I ever marry again I would only marry someone who shares my faith.
You can still be friends , why date if you are subjected to your beliefs. http://www.fbbc.com/messages/kohl_rethin…
Kick him to the curb unless you want to raise your kids to be heathens.
Dating is supposedly a way to find a potential mate.
Pray first %26amp; foremost about it........that this is what God would have you do. You know if it gets serious that somewhere down the road it will lead to tension
';iv'; always ';sed'; the dumb ones need to be ';comited';.
Forget him.
If you grow to love him, then there is trouble.
Likely he will undermine your faith without even trying.
I have the same problem. Just try to get over him. Someday you'll find the right guy. Good luck!
Simple, don't go out with him unless he is a Christian. Darkness can have no fellowship with light.
Try to convince him to be a Christ follower if he really likes you enough he will
Only date a fellow member of your faith.
The connection is lust.
Enjoy your life and be free from shackles !
If you like him then so be.You make your own decisions.
if you wanna let religion hold you back go ahead
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